Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00003132 CHENAYAPPILLIL JOHN GEORGE Director 2008-07-14
00061030 CHERIAN NADUVATHRA PUNNOOSE Director 2012-11-01
00018955 GEORGE MUTHOOT JACOB Director 2020-10-05
00027479 JAYARAJ BALAKRISHNAN Director 2020-04-01
02613030 JOSHNA JOHNSON THOMAS Director 2014-05-02
00506681 KASARAGOD ULLAS KAMATH Director 2014-05-02
00027610 MITHUN KOCHOUSEPH CHITTILAPPILLY Managing Director 2003-04-01
03242769 RADHA UNNI Director 2018-09-27
06576300 RAMACHANDRAN VENKATARAMAN Wholetime Director 2013-06-01


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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