Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06809421 ALAPATT MATHEW ABRAHAM Director 2015-04-22
01908009 ANUJ VISHNUKUMAR PODDAR Director 2019-02-11
06969589 ATUL KUMAR AGRAWAL Director 2015-04-22
00060998 BHARAT VITHALBHAI PATEL Director 2006-09-13
03474813 CHANDRU KALRO Director 2015-09-23
08329454 KOSHY GEORGE Director 2019-02-11
00236658 NARENDRA KUMAR ANAND AMBWANI Director 2014-09-11
01574580 PAULOMI ROMI DHAWAN Director 2008-09-26
00120246 RAMAKRISHNAN RAMAMURTHI Nominee Director 2014-09-11
01760181 SANJEEV HANDA Nominee Director 2019-12-17
08360840 SHASHWAT SHARMA Director 2019-06-06
00141545 SUBHADIP DUTTA CHOUDHURY Nominee Director 2019-09-18
06863609 SUNIL KATARIA Director 2014-09-11


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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