Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02845138 ANSUMAN DAS Additional Director 2019-07-15
00060737 DEBASHISH BHATTACHARJEE Additional Director 2020-10-13
05133322 MEENA LALL Director 2014-08-16
03083605 NARENDRAN VISWANATH THACHAT Director 2019-01-12
08730604 NEETA KARMAKAR Additional Director 2020-03-30
01305775 PRAKASH CHANDRA PARAKH Director 2007-03-07
00918431 SHASHI KANT MAUDGAL Director 2019-07-15
00134136 SOUGATA RAY Director 2019-01-12
00470254 SRIKUMAR MENON Director 2019-07-15


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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