Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00307538 AKARSH KASHYAP Director 2015-10-19
02763043 ANUPAM VERMA Director 2015-03-10
02550056 DIPAK KUMAR SINGH Director 2016-02-01
01362265 GEETA SEHGAL Director 2009-12-30
01964401 KARAN SEHGAL Director 2009-12-30
00540833 SHRUTI SEHGAL Director 2005-09-28
00540689 SUBHASH CHANDER SEHGAL Managing Director 1996-06-21
00540757 SURAJ BHAN GUPTA Director 1997-10-20
00017025 VINOD KAPUR Additional Director 2020-09-14
07077498 YOGESH SHARMA Director 2015-01-21


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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