Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00551459 BHAGWATI PRASAD JALAN Director 2005-12-19
07159504 BINDU JAIN Director 2015-03-25
00551970 NIRAJ JALAN Director 2006-05-06
08067067 PRADIP KUMAR MOHAPATRA Director 2018-02-14
00375424 RAMESH KUMAR DHANDHANIA Director 2014-02-01
07019583 SARAVANAN ASOKAN Wholetime Director 2014-11-25
01983910 SRIBASH CHANDRA MISHRA Director 2007-01-31
00009818 SUNDARESAN RADHAKRISHNAN Director 2014-11-25
00174915 VIMAL PRAKASH Director 2006-05-06


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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