Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06914383 AJAY KAPOOR Director 2014-06-10
03567523 NISHA SINGH Director 2011-07-28
00192516 PRAMOD CHAND MAHNOT Wholetime Director 2003-10-01
08481976 RADHIKA SANJEEV DOOGAR Director 2019-06-28
05279012 RAHUL JAIN Director 2016-08-30
02673031 RAVINDRA CHATURVEDI Nominee Director 2008-01-16
03565408 SAMKIT HIRAWAT Wholetime Director 2011-07-28
06732518 SHRIRAM MAHESHWARI Director 2013-09-03
02681013 VENCKETESHWAR RAO DHAWAL Nominee Director 2008-01-16
00236204 VIGYAN LODHA Wholetime Director 2010-01-01


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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