Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02289613 AJIT SINGH CHATHA Director 2014-03-21
00163959 ALOK KUMAR MISRA Director 2016-08-09
03575022 AMRIK SINGH SOHI Director 2016-02-01
00498670 DINESH GOGNA Director 2008-07-01
00463866 JAWAHAR LAL OSWAL Managing Director 2008-07-01
06910242 MANISHA GUPTA Director 2014-06-27
00566052 MONICA OSWAL Wholetime Director 2010-10-30
03038347 PAURUSH ROY Director 2012-06-05
03610853 RISHABH OSWAL Wholetime Director 2018-05-25
00565979 RUCHIKA OSWAL Wholetime Director 2010-10-30
00565760 SANDEEP JAIN Wholetime Director 2008-07-01
00403423 SURESH KUMAR SINGLA Director 2014-06-27


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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