Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
01673801 ABHAY JITENDRA MEHROTRA Director 2010-10-29
07294515 BASHEERA JUZER INDOREWALA Director 2018-02-07
06447544 BHUPAL BABURAO NANDGAVE Wholetime Director 2012-12-10
00210210 HITEN CHANDULAL TIMBADIA Director 2001-03-30
00781535 PERSES MINOO BILIMORIA Director 2010-05-13
00248692 PRADEEP SANAT SHAH Managing Director 1989-08-11
00248499 SANAT MANILAL SHAH Director 1972-04-25
00248592 SANJAY SANAT SHAH Managing Director 1989-08-11


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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