Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08504093 AJIT KUMAR SETH Director 2019-07-13
00973758 ANAND NAYAK Director 2019-07-13
07172664 ATUL JERATH Director 2020-01-31
07717430 DAVID ROBERT SIMPSON Director 2017-01-27
01922717 HEMANT BHARGAVA Director 2018-07-28
06374957 MEERA SHANKAR Director 2012-09-06
00022279 NAKUL ANAND Wholetime Director 2011-01-03
00042227 RAJIV TANDON Wholetime Director 2016-01-22
00280529 SANJIV PURI Managing Director 2015-12-06
02922331 SHILABHADRA BANERJEE Director 2010-07-23
01732482 SUMANT BHARGAVAN Wholetime Director 2018-11-16
00013239 SUNIL BEHARI MATHUR Director 2005-07-29

Past Directors of ITC LIMITED

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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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