Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
01243445 ADITYA GHOSH Director 2020-06-30
01150944 CHARU SHARMA Director 2006-11-15
01043399 MADHUKAR KHERA Director 1976-12-14
02705935 MONSOON BISSELL Director 2000-06-27
02011709 PRAKASH PARTHASARATHY Director 2012-02-22
06939695 RAHUL GARG Director 2016-08-19
03009368 TEKKETHALAKAL KURIEN KURIEN Director 2017-02-23
01084371 VIJAI KUMAR KAPOOR Director 2006-01-31
00932145 VINEY SINGH Managing Director 2016-08-20
00032940 VINITA BALI Director 2018-04-01
00012819 WILLIAM NANDA BISSELL Director 2000-08-08
01161892 WILLIAM SEAN SOVAK Director 2006-02-09
00183462 YOAV LEV Director 2018-08-10


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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