Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
03323577 ASHOK HANMANT PATIL Director 2002-12-23
03379073 BHAGAVAN RAMRAV PATIL Director 2000-05-25
01398512 MADHAVRAO HANMANTRAO PATIL Managing Director 2000-05-25
03323603 RAMCHANDRA BALWANT TALANGE Director 2005-09-20
03323638 SANJAY KORE Director 2002-12-23
03328594 SHYAMRAO CHANDARAO SONATAKKE Director 2001-04-25
03323313 SOMESHWAR BABURAO HUDE Director 2002-12-23
03323382 VAIJINATH GURAPPA ASHTURE Director 2002-12-23
03323552 VASANTRAO GUNAVANTRAO PATIL Director 2005-09-20


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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