Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07667965 CHANDRASEKAR MEENAKSHI SUNDARAM Wholetime Director 2017-01-02
00388675 GOPIKA PANT Director 2020-05-21
00112289 INDU RANJIT SHAHANI Director 2012-01-23
07645510 JACOB SEBASTIAN MADUKKAKUZY Wholetime Director 2016-10-28
02869422 MUKUL VINAYAK DEORAS Director 2010-02-01
00385098 PRADYOT KUMAR GHOSH Director 1988-07-01
01031445 SEKHAR NATARAJAN Director 2020-05-21
02362921 SHYAMALA GOPINATH Director 2015-05-19
06994202 SUKANYA KRIPALU Director 2018-06-01
00041197 VIKRAM SINGH MEHTA Director 2001-10-25


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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