Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00127325 BHAGWATBHAI SHANABHAI PATEL Director 2004-09-27
00127095 CHANDULAL ASHABHAI PATEL Director 2004-09-27
01574158 GIRDHARBHAI SHANABHAI PATEL Director 2004-09-27
02466697 ILA NEERAJ AHUJA Director 2004-09-27
00127296 JITENDRAKUMAR RATILAL PATEL Director 2004-09-27
00127198 NAYANKUMAR HARIPRASAD ACHARYA Director 2004-09-27
00127346 PADMINIBEN JITENDRAKUMAR PATEL Director 2004-09-27
00127388 PRASHANT KANUBHAI PATEL Director 2004-09-27
00141268 PRAVINKUMAR SHANKARBHAI PATEL Director 2004-09-27
01338790 RAKESH MANUBHAI PATEL Director 2004-09-27
01338770 RAVI RAJNIKANT PATEL Director 2004-09-27
00127227 ROHITKUMAR RATILAL PATEL Director 2004-09-27


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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