Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07000191 BHARAT RAMBHAI JADEJA Director 2014-11-01
07000195 BHARATBHAI SAMATBHAI CHUHAN Director 2014-11-01
07000225 BHIMABHAI MALDEBHAI JADEJA Director 2014-11-01
07000245 BHIMBHAI RAMBHAI JADEJA Director 2014-11-01
01340952 KAMLESH MERUBHAI CHAUHAN Director 2004-04-15
07000236 LAXMAN MALDEBHAI JADEJA Director 2014-11-01
00930681 NAGARJUN MERUBHAI CHAUHAN Director 2004-04-15
00930721 RAMBHAI SAMATBHAI CHAUHAN Director 2004-04-15
07000183 SAVDAS MULUBHAI JADEJA Director 2014-11-01


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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