Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06518735 BAIJU MULLAKKARA OUSEPH Director 2013-07-15
07340853 JAISON OUSEPH KOKKADAN Managing Director 2015-09-12
08245156 JOHNSON THRIKKUKARAN DEVASSY Director 2018-10-22
08577792 LEEMA SHAJI Director 2019-09-07
06983550 LOKANATHAN KUZHUPPILLY NANUNAIR Director 2014-08-09
02871264 LOUIS CHAKKORYA DEVASSY Director 2010-01-01
06632284 MARY ANAKKEL OUSEPH Director 2013-07-15
06391712 SUDHAKARAN RAJEEV Director 2012-09-22
01801823 TONY LONAPPAN Director 2009-03-03
07315675 VALSAN THATHAPUZHA RAMAKRISHNAN Director 2015-09-12


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